Tuesday, June 10, 2014




  1. Onville and Wibur Writh of USA invented Aerpolane in 1903.
  2. John B. Logies of Scotland invented Television in 1922.
  3. Cardbenixim of Germany invented Motor Car in 1885.
  4. Graham Bell of Scotland invented Telephone in 1876.
  5. Gilden Sholes of America invented Typewriter in 1813.
  6. William Tobol of England invented Camera in 1835.
  7. Michael Faraday of England invented Electricity in 1813.
  8. George Stephen of Britain invented Railway Engine in 1814.
  9. Elas Howe of France invented Sewing Machine in 1830.
  10. Contede Siyiac of France invented Bicycle in 1790.
  11. David Edward Huges invented Microscope.
  12. Galileo Galillel of Italy invented Telescope in 1609.
  13. Roles Morris developed the first Computer Virus in 1988.
  14. Venice of Italy invented Spectacle Convex Lens in 1926.
  15. Charles Babbage was the first to develop the first analyst engine
  16. called Computer in 1855.
  17. Dr. Alfred B. Noble invented Microscope.
  18. Sir Hiram S. Maxim invented Automatic Gun.
  19. Sir Isaac Newton discovered the Law of Gravity.
  20. Ada Lovelis was the first to write a programme to develop analytical engine.
  21. Thomas Edison of England invented Electric Bulb in 1881.
  22. Sir James Dewer of Scotland invented the Thermos Flask in 1885.
  23. G. Macron of France invented Radio in 1901.
  24. John Gutengerg of Germany invented Printing Machine in 1456.
  25. Willis H. Carrier of America invented the Air- Conditioner in 1902.

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